Sunday, July 23, 2023

Stampin' Up! Countryside Inn Charming Sentiments Baby Card

Are you having a blessed Sunday? Are you being a blessing? I hope the answer is "yes" to both! If this is your first time visiting, welcome to my blog and I hope you'll become a follower. If you are returning, welcome back! My card today is a theme I haven't made in a couple of years and the craft fair is coming up so...

This is one of the cards we made in our Thursday card group. Barb brought the cardstock, DSP and circle die. She followed a video by Mary Knabe. Trust me, you do not want me to give you instructions for best be under Mary's tutelage!

Here's the inside...

Thank you for stopping by today and I hope you'll return tomorrow for our Pammie's Inky Pinkies Challenge.

1 comment:

Stampin' Up! Bistro Burger Birthday Card

Good morning, peeps. I bet a lot of you are glad it's Friday. Since the weekend is arriving, perhaps you'll be having a picnic? Want...