Saturday, June 8, 2024

In Memory of Chester

These are pics of my boy who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge 6/7/24. I missed him from the moment I left the vet's office. I will see him again but for now, these are some of my memories. I LOVE you Lord Chesterfield and always will.

"Mom you left palm trees and sunshine in my Florida home...

"Mom, you knew I was happy in my  Murphy, NC home


 "Mom, what is THIS in Tennessee? 

"Mom, let me in...I know you're in there!

Mom, you know I'm a ray of sunshine in your life!

"Maybe there's food up here?

"or maybe here?

"perhaps it's here?

"oh, Floyd might have taken it?

"No matter what Mom, I've had a good life since you rescued me in 2019! I love you and I know we'll miss each other...til we meet again, I am your sweet boy Lord Chesterfield. Continue to be in His Word...He will help sustain you through this loss."

Lord Chesterfield a/k/a Chester, Buddy, good boy, handsome boy
7.29.2014 - 6.7.2024


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your fur baby. I feel very sad for you. I have loss so many fur babies and the heartbreak 💔 never gets easy. Miss you my friend. 🤗🤗

    1. Thank you. I wish you would type your name in with your comment so I would know who you are.

  2. Oh, Lord Chesterfield was such a beautiful boy and he had the best life with you, Karen! Thank you for sharing his sweet photos. Sending you a hug!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. He was a smart boy too and comical.

  3. Karen - I am so very sorry - he was a character - a true "tuxedo". I love the photos - especially the one of him sprawled on the back of the sofa. A sprawled cat is a comfortable, happy cat who feels totally safe. He loved you - and will be waiting with the others when we get to the bridge!

    1. Thank you, Mary. I will miss his personality. He much preferred to be petted than to play.

  4. So sorry about your kitty Karen. Sending lots of hugs to many great photos! He was definitely loved. :)

  5. So sorry for your loss, Karen. What a beautiful cat who brought you so much comfort and joy. Big hugs xxx

  6. sorry to hear about Chester. He was an amazing cat and I know you will miss him. Cherish the memories.

    1. Thank you, LeAnne. He was an amazing boy and sometimes I thought he was part human, part dog!

  7. What a lovely tribute and such fitting words for each photo. I haven't had any cats but have lost my share of dogs and my heart mourns with you. Janice in Arkansas.

    1. Thank you so much, Janice. I'm sorry for your losses too.


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