Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Stampin' Up! Not Today

Yesterday and today was spent helping a friend so I don't have a card for you. She doesn't care who knows what happened to her as she is so disgusted and is now without a computer or email. My friend is 76 and worked for a company for 24 years. I worked with her for awhile and she was a loyal, exemplary, intelligent employee. They fired her saying there were going to be new procedures implemented and felt she would not be able to handle the changes. The unemployment here in Florida is tough. She has to interview for five jobs this week and five next week before they will consider paying her. She doesn't want to sue for age discrimination. So on that unhappy note, let me take you to my happy place.

Here's some of what happened in Disney last week and what I saw and ate along the way so you can opt out now if you want. BUT, do come back tomorrow for our Happy Inkin' Thursday Blog Hop!

I went on the safari that Perry so loved and I was able to see so many animals. Here are a few...
Ankole Cattle horns are 4' and porous

Adult giraffes sleep standing up and make baby giraffes!

Baby giraffes sleep standing up

Adult giraffes can be 18' tall

Lions sleep most of the day...just like our kitties!
Spicy Fried Tofu with Healthy Salad at Animal Kingdom 
Sunset from my Bay Lake Tower Balcony
Kerri's Trout at Chefs De France
My Monkfish, Cod, Shrimp and Saffron Rice

  Kerri, Megan, Sam, et moi at Chefs de France

Sam had a pork shank, which was delicious

 and Megan had a smoked salmon pizza, which she said was outstanding. 

It was a great day!

For our last day, we ate at the Coral Reef in Epcot. Kerri and I had swordfish (too salty) with white beans and capers.

 Megan had lobster bisque, which she said was wonderful but not so much the spicy shrimp (salty).

Sam had roasted chicken breast with a corn puree and sliced potatoes.

While he was eating, a line came to me from the movie "When Harry Met Sally". I'm sure you are familiar with the diner scene!

I was able to watch the fireworks every night from my room too. In September, Kerri and I will go back and stay at the Grand Floridian. We can't wait.

When I left in the morning, this was the view that sent me happily on my way...

If you are still reading, thank you for joining me in my first time adventure without Perry. Now I know I can drive it by myself! See you tomorrow.


  1. Good for you, driving it by yourself! And for finally sharing a picture of yourself! The Disney pix look wonderful, and I will be praying for your friend. I think I would be pretty ticked off....but maybe it's God's way of saying it's time for a rest!

    1. Thank you, LeAnne. It could be exactly what He is saying to her. He knows what lies ahead for her.

  2. Proud of you, Karen! And - also thinking I'd almost put up with the humidity in FL to be able to jaunt over to DW every once in a while! I know Perry is happy for you, too! Sorry about your friend - I have to hope that what goes around WILL come around! :)


Stampin' Up! Pastor Appreciation Card

 Good Sunday morning, peeps! This month is not only Agent Orange Awareness Month but it's Pastor Appreciation Month. So, I've covere...